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December 31, 2024
We all want financial security. Nobody wants to be waiting on their next check, but life is busy. Sometimes just getting the to-do list done is a major feat and there is precious little time left over to worry about your bank account. A pattern I see a lot is the trap of feeling like you have to react to your finances. That bill comes due, and when you go to pay it you realize you’re short. That birthday snuck up on you and you don’t want to be that gift giver who shows up empty-handed. I get it, start doing these 3 things, and a few months from now you’ll smile at your former stressed-out self and feel confident when you launch your banking app.
Don’t overcomplicate this one, I’m talking about opening a new account, naming it, and setting up an amount to go into that account automatically. Here’s the catch, assign a person you trust to hold you accountable for only using that money for what the account is named after. Sound too simple to work? Prove me wrong, we’ve seen incredible results from people of all incomes who start abiding by this simple rule.
The most common question we get is “Can I open more than one account?” the answer is definitely. We help people structure a series of accounts (sometimes quite a few) that ensure everything gets paid on time and you know exactly how much is left over to spend. Just make sure each account has a specific purpose with an amount going in that makes sense.
Sometimes this is even more powerful with a significant other or roommate but works solo as well. The concept is this, once a month (or more often) sit down with an expense tracking app like Mint to do a quick once over of your spending and cash on hand. What you want to do is notice trends like how much you’re spending on <insert vice here> that you didn’t realize was happening every month. Then just set an intention that you will be more aware of this spending category.
That’s it – painless. The idea is this, budgeting can be hard and stressful, but saying to yourself “I will spend less at restaurants this month” is more manageable. Don’t stack a ton on your plate, one thing at a time.
This can go hand in hand with step two and the goal you choose to focus on. Here’s the plan, you sit down and make a list of all the things you like to do and the rough cost, then make a separate list of other things you love to do but this time with a focus on affordability. You will surprise yourself with how many free things you like to do and you can even have some fun and challenge yourself by setting dollar limits (Date night under $20 anyone?). Put the list on the fridge, write them on paper scraps and put them in a jar for total randomness, or use an app on your phone, it really doesn’t matter the idea is to save money on the everyday things we do because that money adds up. Bonus points if you can use these savings and roll them into a new account from step one.
Easy as that, you’re one step closer to financial freedom! I will be writing more about affordable fun, money meetings, and bucketing accounts in-depth in other articles but let me know what else you would like to read about.
Don’t keep scrolling, go open a new account and name it, mark your money meeting on the calendar (recurring!) and get outside and do something free and you’ll know you’ve upped your money mindset today. Let me know what else you’d like to learn about and if you try this and have success let me know. If you want to get started and up your financial game now then go below and schedule your first 30-minute meeting!
True wealth is more than just money, it allows you to spend your time exactly how you want.
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation today and take your first steps to financial freedom.