It's Time To Take Control of Your Financial Future

At Wealth In Yourself, we blend expert financial planning with empathy to understand your unique story. Our mission is to craft personalized strategies that not only grow your wealth but resonate with your life's goals and values.

Take Your First Steps to

Financial Freedom

  • We help to guide your financial decisions with personalized strategies to reach your ideal life

  • What would your ideal life look like if money wasn't an obstacle?

  • True wealth is more than just money, it allows you to spend your time exactly how you want.

As Seen In

Seek Financial Advice From Experts Committed To Putting You First

When it comes to your money you deserve the best. Somebody who has walked the walk, values education, and stays on the cutting edge of wealth building.

11,000+ Clients Helped

Experience Matters.

Certified Financial Planner (CFP®)

When you're sick you see a doctor. When you need help with finances you see a CFP®

Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Finance

With all the misinformation in the industry it's important for us to give back and train the next generation of planners

Certified Financial Therapist Level I Practitioner

Money goes beyond just the numbers. Money is emotional and building wealth starts with mindset

Take Control of Your Time & Money and Design Your Ideal Life

If you're not intentional with how you manage your money life happens to you and not for you.

Cash Flow System

A cash flow system helps you maximize every dollar. Without one you're leaving money on the table

Invest Wisely

There is so much misinformation when it comes to investing. We help you diversify, save on expenses, and don't charge any commissions.

Life Plan

A life plan means you know what you want and are working towards it. We help you chart a path to your dream life.

Multiple Income Streams

It's no secret that the most successful people have multiple income streams. We help you create and manage these income streams whether that is real estate, your business, or side hustle.

No Compromise, Just Maximize.

At Wealth In Yourself, we blend expert financial planning with empathy to understand your unique story. Our mission is to craft personalized strategies that not only grow your wealth but resonate with your life's goals and values.

A financial life plan begins with you and your family. We want to help you design your ideal life and then use your resources to make that a reality.

  • What does your ideal day, week, or month look like?

  • How would your life change if you had a plan to get there?

Does This Sound Like You?

There are some common scenarios we come across all the time

Jack and Madison

Jack and Madison are married young professionals. Jack has started his own business and Madison works for a Fortune 500 company.

They want to plan for a family, house, and retirement. Travel is something they want to do more of but are getting killed in taxes and aren't sure how to balance Jack's business finances with their personal finances.

Madison's company has a complicated 401k and stock plan and they need help making sure they're doing the right things.

Jessica and Chris

Jessica and Chris are married with two children. Jessica has been home with the kids for the last 7 years but now that they are in school would like to get back into the workforce.

Chris has worked his way up in his company but is unhappy with the way he is treated and would like to branch out on his own. He has never taken an extended vacation and loves the idea of a sabbatical before starting his own business or finding another role.

Jessica and Chris like the idea of teaming up but need a plan to make sure they aren't being reckless or irresponsible.


Michael has done an incredible job of self-educating and building up his nest egg to a respectable amount. He has invested in real estate, worked different jobs gained diverse experience, and invested in the stock market, crypto, and businesses.

He is at the point where it feels like too much to handle alone. He wants to make sure he is being strategic about taxes, would like to hand off bookkeeping, and run some retirement projections.

For all the work he puts in he wants to feel secure in his financial future and also start doing more of the things he loves and not working so much.

Take Your First Steps On Your Journey to Financial Freedom

You never regret starting. It's doing nothing that you'll regret

We talk to thousands of people wanting to make progress with their finances. It's the people who never start who feel the most stuck.

They say things like "after the holidays" or "when I get my promotion" and then stay stuck in the same cycle. Don't be that person. Take action and you'll be glad you did.


15-Minute Conversation

Book a no strings attached call with a financial advisor. We aren't going to try to sell you anything but instead offer suggestions based on your situation.


Free Resources

Click here to get started completely free by subscribing to the Wealth In Yourself insiders email list as well as the Podcast.


Get Access To Our State Of The Art Financial Software

Want to get a head start and run some financial scenarios yourself? We'll give you access to free professional-level software so you can start running projections and analyzing your own situation

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(415) 9155948

3079 Harrison Blvd STE 5, South Lake Tahoe CA 96150